those of us who can barely leave the cave
what do we wear when we do and why do we wear it.
actually want to poke fun at the fashion cults.
my icon is this girl tania enriquez who runs media at space 15twenty for urban outfitters. she always looks cool as hell.
and i love the traschicist though she ought abandon fur and feathers and leather.
or lets say rather, she is so lucky it doesn't gross her out.
all that dead body leather fur stuff makes me sick.
plus the leather industry is totally antienvironmental, pours chemicals into the air and water, and deforests rainforests and destroys biodiversity. hey what up gucci?
anyway, i can't stand narcissistic web 2.0. 3.0 etc but that's why its time.
i used to schlumm with, who told me i was not superskinny enough to be attractive to him.
he got into the internet early.
i was trying to suck out the contents of his brain so i could get up on tech, norwegian, etc.
fashion is the least of my concerns.
i love the way miroslaw balka's sculpture is utterly austere amnd dry and sparse. he dresses the same way i like. all black like a portland anarchist.
watch him here.
tate unilever series miroslaw balka
he's a fashion icon.
i love his big box sculpture.
plus i'm really obsessed with veils, burka, hijab, niqab. thanks le monde.
plus i'm really obsessed with hasidic judaic dress, victoriana, and anything black and modest. i like mormons.
i love the hasidic look!
i love the black hats.
and pilgrim, scarlet letter look.
and the nineties, modern simplicity and monochromes.
even scientologists for their austerity.
i like uniform, and repetition, and flowing sculptural things.
i am experimenting with wearing veils at home. i love them. i am not islamic, but i think all the veil hate is stupid.
i like ghandi style too
maybe one day i'll switch to white.
its a little high maintenance and holy. i don't feel like i am pure enough for white.
not even being vegan and everything.
i'm a conceited leo dah!
veils are barriers, the enclose, and soothe, they are elegant.
i love death in bergman's the seventh seal.
i've spent years thinking about how to convey this persona.
i want that death from the seventh seal look.
part of the trick is to not smile, and to stand extremely straight.
i love theresa of avila.
i like cardinals.
francis bacon's cardinals.
i've been trying to dress like a modern day tough girl cardinal.
plus rei kawakubo, limi feu, yoji yamamoto and punk.
and viktor and rolf, sometimes, although i wish they'd use more black.
oh yes and i love gareth pugh
here is me:
and the seventh seal death-guy, my dream guy.
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