the vision began as diagonal lacerations of blood red against bare shoulders and then morphed through a cube box of a head into a veiled nod to the niqab and a flowing river skirt.
the thick scarf serves as more protection against the insults the modern woman agoraphobe will face as she heads off into a dystopian idiocracy of misogynist cave apes.
no fur necessary.
the pain of animals will not protect anyone.
it would only make a sensitive person cry more, and the river of tears from which she emerges is already boundless.
Friday, 30 April 2010
Saturday, 24 April 2010
disclaimer: sorry. the fur is so offensive!!! try not to think about the electrocutions of sweet animals.
regardless of all these sadists' cruelty to animals
they are such artists and political commentators
viktor and rolf's caged women
a veil
more cage veils
la femme francaise
la femme japonaise
chopin and shamisen
Friday, 23 April 2010
magically reveling in fashion as the end of the nihilism continuum, the end of the feminism debate. a place where we are sexless starved and ahistorical, selfish, clothed. a place like the church in the rue due faubough, where prada spring 08 might be seen like an apparition of flowers, and this beautiful electronica, programmed by whom, out of what darkness.
another day wading through los angeles smog, and through the words of blanchot, and some constitutional law.
trying to resign with humility from the mess i created, the letters of anguish, and the mockery of showing up for another dose of hatred. and what to wear for the hatred.
i usually wear as much as possible.
layers, thickness.
i even want to hide my withering frame.
i don't want people to know how much my weight fluctuates with the anxiety i feel.
i balance it out with so many layers, i try to look as obese as possible, or as clothed.
i missed the prada today.
realized the marc jacobs foolishness of 2007 had seeped into my head. all those chunky glasses and the librarian look.
worried this may turn into prada fan site.
soundtrack is everything.
even ogling prada phone.
pointlessly as i loved the russian gucci golden girl on her dolce and gabbana gold phone.
in her brown suit.
i'm a sucker like that.
lucky me to work in BH jan-october 2007. gah!
another day wading through los angeles smog, and through the words of blanchot, and some constitutional law.
trying to resign with humility from the mess i created, the letters of anguish, and the mockery of showing up for another dose of hatred. and what to wear for the hatred.
i usually wear as much as possible.
layers, thickness.
i even want to hide my withering frame.
i don't want people to know how much my weight fluctuates with the anxiety i feel.
i balance it out with so many layers, i try to look as obese as possible, or as clothed.
i missed the prada today.
realized the marc jacobs foolishness of 2007 had seeped into my head. all those chunky glasses and the librarian look.
worried this may turn into prada fan site.
soundtrack is everything.
even ogling prada phone.
pointlessly as i loved the russian gucci golden girl on her dolce and gabbana gold phone.
in her brown suit.
i'm a sucker like that.
lucky me to work in BH jan-october 2007. gah!
Monday, 19 April 2010
the beautiful women of fassbinder films
the bitter tears of petra von kant, which tilda swinton talked about screening in her scottish movie hall . . .
dan diamond was explaining how the berlin arts budget is bigger than the entire U.S. equivalent.
i love irm hermann's all-black look
fassbinders prolific output pertained to the nice funding . . . enjoy
the bitter tears of petra von kant, which tilda swinton talked about screening in her scottish movie hall . . .
dan diamond was explaining how the berlin arts budget is bigger than the entire U.S. equivalent.
i love irm hermann's all-black look
fassbinders prolific output pertained to the nice funding . . . enjoy
cold winter winds and viktor and rolf
words are very unnecessary they can only do harm.
do they owe a nod to jil sander on this one?
think a lot about
tech as jewelry
how becked in tech as ornament?
a shuffle?
a blackberry pearl?
feng shui of metals and woods
avoiding metals.
for years.
finally craving them.
due to need for more metal energy, more life force, conductivity, sense of worth. tie to the earth.
people love shiny things.
really avoiding "people" now, if you can call them that.
connecting with ghost voices of the past, all my old best friends.
my mother.
feeling a little sad about how she thinks about gay.
she says stuff i don't agree with.
she is not a raging hater or homophobe, but more along the lines of the religious its a sin---unnatural--unnormal--immature etc kind of talk.
evidently i mentioned kissing a girl on a videoblog broadcast and she needed to talk it down and reconfigure it as a kiss on the cheek, so as to be sure i am not gay.
see. its not really "making out."
kind of put your head in an oven kind of vibe, whether its hate or social stigma.
or just your mother from the 1940s.
i love her, and its mutual, she loves me too.
i miss my old style.
the short-hair tomboy.
i dressed exactly like my dad.
my mom hated it.
mens slacks.
mens shirts.
short hair.
i miss getting flirted with from women.
its like i am totally undercover now with my long hair and the occasional skirt.
no body flirts anymore bc i would obviously destroy them with my death in the seventh seal seriousness and fear-inducing aura.
i told mom the bi-ness is probably why it never works out with a guy for me. i kind of like them, but not that much.
i think i might have been a 60/40 girl-preferring bi-girl, were it not for the massive cultural brainwash and lack of options.
and all the hate.
its really hard to say.
its nice to be out of the closet, sort of.
except i am literally in my closet, hiding from the world, imagining situations. like the silly smiths song, "i would go out tonight, but i haven't got a stitch to wear."
whether if drinking a ton of coffee would give me pencil thin legs.
watched the prada channel---prada flicks
wishing their handbags weren't leather bc they are so cute otherwise.
leather is such bad vibes for the earth and the animals, and smells bad.
the neato prada goes to china video had the saddest string arrangement soundtrack, belying the austerity and monochrome of prada material universe.
fishnet umbrellas and fedoras.
i wonder, does it appeal as a reflection of the part of me that has become cold and spartan and hungry?
sorry to all my GLBT friends and compatriots for working through my angst here.
i told my mom i wrote a book about transgendering identity and the many forms of spirits loving each other, in platonic ways, multi-gendered ways.
i could not stand the title, but could not name it elsewise either.
it was about this, many loves and the heart as a genderless thing, especially in the inbetweens (what i consider myself, neither man nor woman).
of course its from orlando and beyond. its just a word sculpture.
the sadness from which it came, had many loves.
i used to think about dressing certain ways for certain people.
but mostly as a neutral, all black, as a cardinal, or as andy warhol or audrey hepburn, fairly sexless, in a turtleneck.
i told my mom, i'm really better off as asexual.
its a convenient escape route to avoid the bi-problem.
the sin issue.
the childlessness.
i've been on a wild shopping spree, trying to buy happiness, in increments of two and four.
trench coats and large black men's t-shirts.
breast compressing bras, to negate my ample curves.
shoes to run in, if i ever leave the closet for the forest.
got my LSAT fees waived.
in this funny book about law, some woman was like, does this law degree make me look fat?
how funny.
i used to joke that, as a smart old rich lady, i could have all the young boys i want, and wear prada.
and how leo women seek out arm candy.
we don't necessarily try to be it.
bulimia already destroyed my teeth.
talk about agoraphobic fashion.
new teeth installed tomorrow.
what would you wear on the way to a genocide?
i would like
the mafia funeral look prada did a couple years ago.
look austere.
black lace.
very catholic, with the midcalf skirts.
ready to die, and look good in a casket.
and here is some more recent prada
and check out the real prada mafia attacking the anti-fur dude
with his "fur scum" message.
i love how all the models maintain their cool and keep walking.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
a lot of days i think this would help me negotiate the bar code world
and lend the level of gravity
gareth pugh collaboration with mazhar
i love this word
Hikikomori (ひきこもり or 引き籠もり Hikikomori?, literally "pulling away, being confined", i.e., "acute social withdrawal") is a Japanese term to refer to the phenomenon of reclusive people who have chosen to withdraw from social life, often seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement because of various personal and social factors in their lives. The term hikikomori refers to both the sociological phenomenon in general as well as to people belonging to this societal group.
emily dickinson as fashion icon
or holly hunter in the piano
and her maddening braids
holly's boots
and feel quite like angels and insects
have a fond memory of kristin scott thomas's wrist as it flicked over her insect sudy in the rainforest
obviously stuck in 1995
overall the film was nauseating.
cannot find a still or a youtube of the scene.
so goes the nineties into obscurity . . . is quite a delight . . .
this cultural phemomen pervades my thinking at times, endemic to both my parent's way.
it is so unobtrusive, so unliberace leo. so calm and jil sander stoic.
read on:
but what i also want to describe is the swedish virtue of lagom, not too much.
The Lexin Swedish-English dictionary defines lagom as "enough, sufficient, adequate, just right". Lagom is also widely translated as "in moderation", "in balance", "optimal", "suitable", and "average". But whereas words like "sufficient" and "average" suggest some degree of abstinence, scarcity, or failure, lagom carries the connotation appropriateness although not necessarily perfection. The archetypical Swedish proverb "Lagom är bäst", literally "Lagom is best", is translated as "Enough is as good as a feast" in the Lexin dictionary. That same proverb is translated as "There is virtue in moderation" in Prismas Stora Engelska Ordbok (1995).
and related concept
The Jante Law (Danish and Norwegian: Janteloven; Swedish: Jantelagen; Finnish: Janten laki; Faroese: Jantulógin) refers to a pattern of group behaviour towards individuals within Scandinavian communities, which negatively portrays and criticizes success and achievement as unworthy and inappropriate.
It has been observed as a form of behaviour for centuries, but the Norwegian/Danish author Aksel Sandemose identified it as a series of rules, the Jante Law, in his novel A fugitive crosses his tracks (En flyktning krysser sitt spor, 1933, English translation published in the USA in 1936). Sandemose's novel portrays the small Danish town Jante (modelled upon his native town Nykøbing Mors as it was at the beginning of the 20th century, but typical of all very small towns), where nobody is anonymous.[1]
Generally used colloquially as a sociological term to negatively describe an attitude towards individuality and success claimed to be common in Scandinavia, it refers to a supposed snide, jealous and narrow small-town mentality which refuses to acknowledge individual effort and places all emphasis on the collective, while punishing those who stand out as achievers.
The term may be used by those individuals who feel they are not allowed to take credit for their achievements, or to point out their belief that another person is being overly critical.
made it out to the class. used to have to wear piles of sweaters and coats even in june to keep all the bad LA vibes off me.
thinking a lot about big shoulders and animals puffing their hair to look scary.
for my early morning anthro class i need extra scarves to make my shoulders thick and big.
its psychological, sure.
i want to be bigger than life, and feel like my shoulders have wasted away.
i love djuna barnes
try to do faux french paris in my head sometimes. but barely have the imagination for it anymore.
told olivia she reminds me of anais nin charcter in the film adaptation Henry and June
so 1990
i have recently gotten over my worries about studying all my big heavy red law books by realizing they are props to make me look smart on the set of my life, which takes its cue from a bad anthropologie window, or banana republic dream.
its all victorian elitist academicica.
i don't have to be smart, merely wear my glasses and dress in my modified gothic prep school punk freak out.
for a second i got obsessed with a east coast faux preppy thing. but their are loads of real rich kids that can do it way better than me.
in LA they go to bardot and are baboring.
i miss 1997.
that was a pivotal year.
bjork buns
silver mascara
blue lipstick
silver shoes
grey german army trenchcoat.
pockets of philosophy books.
it was hell.
and then the year before i was a buzz cut tomboy dressing like a frumpy masculine clown off the waiting for godot set.
it made sense at the time.
and no boy would flirt with me, so it worked.
my latest discovery is the massive black t-shirt, black leggings and that's it.
maybe shorts or a skirt over the leggings and a black coat.
its very blah.
and the high neck t-shirt as big as a dress.
in love.
MIA has been doing something along tose lines in fluorescent colors.
its just so over being exploited.
my modern girl fashion icons:
la roux
allison mosshart
very tough girl chic. yay.
i made out with a girl six days ago.
it was wonderful.
then my most beautiful friendboy ever showed up out of nowhere. he is so pretty it makes me feel well . . .
he is like the boy tilda swinton.
if only . . .
think often of leonard bast from howard's end---helena bonham carter looks so gorgeous in the silvery grey blouse.
the bloomsbury group the wiener wekstaette
thinking also of oscar wilde
and the fin de siecle dandy
of aubrey beardsley
liam folan's green velvet coat
and barthes's fashion system
and baudelaire's fleurs de male
and on the dandy
perfect found the witht eh tamara de lempicka portraits.
and think of the especially emaciated hollywood dandies who wear all black and drink away their lunch money and look like the last shadow puppets.
sort of mod beatlesesque
with a touch of justice
and what is the girl version.
black black black
black leggings
peacoat or trench.
that's it.
and starved looking.
the new economy has helped out with that part.
i was so stoked when the economy crashed and i realized i would probably never be rich enough to be heavy or een bulimic.
i don't have the food or food budget for lunch, much less lunch enough to throw up.
the traschicist is amazing
i want to do this with thunder from heaven t-shirts or for recession renegades shirts.
these are my two primo LA shirt companies.
but i really want to start te enjoy poverty t-shirt line and maybe get sued by the enjoy poverty film guy.
that would be sweet.
imagine it as a shirt????
in black and white?
in pink?
it would be the ultimate f-u to the homelessness epidemic in LA.
and so when somebody spanges you you could be like, please read my shirt and it says, please enjoy poverty.
enjoy it!
then they might get into poverty and realize how fun its going to be for all of us . . .
and then the recession renegades . . .
and i want TFH like faux LV silkscreen. mentioned it to the TFH peeps.
but whatever.
it would be so passe.
in a funny way.
but i think he has a whole brand identity that needs to be expanded and pick up where OBEY leaves off.
the trashicist loves gareth pugh too@!
she is sooooo gorgeous.
she would have totally loved the haircut i gave myself in 1998 that got me arrested for general weirdness.
it wasn't that weird.
it was just punk.
it was so over the heads of prosaic bourgeois middle america/deep south.
i want to do this with thunder from heaven t-shirts or for recession renegades shirts.
these are my two primo LA shirt companies.
but i really want to start te enjoy poverty t-shirt line and maybe get sued by the enjoy poverty film guy.
that would be sweet.
imagine it as a shirt????
in black and white?
in pink?
it would be the ultimate f-u to the homelessness epidemic in LA.
and so when somebody spanges you you could be like, please read my shirt and it says, please enjoy poverty.
enjoy it!
then they might get into poverty and realize how fun its going to be for all of us . . .
and then the recession renegades . . .
and i want TFH like faux LV silkscreen. mentioned it to the TFH peeps.
but whatever.
it would be so passe.
in a funny way.
but i think he has a whole brand identity that needs to be expanded and pick up where OBEY leaves off.
the trashicist loves gareth pugh too@!
she is sooooo gorgeous.
she would have totally loved the haircut i gave myself in 1998 that got me arrested for general weirdness.
it wasn't that weird.
it was just punk.
it was so over the heads of prosaic bourgeois middle america/deep south.
hikkikomori otaku
those of us who can barely leave the cave
what do we wear when we do and why do we wear it.
actually want to poke fun at the fashion cults.
my icon is this girl tania enriquez who runs media at space 15twenty for urban outfitters. she always looks cool as hell.
and i love the traschicist though she ought abandon fur and feathers and leather.
or lets say rather, she is so lucky it doesn't gross her out.
all that dead body leather fur stuff makes me sick.
plus the leather industry is totally antienvironmental, pours chemicals into the air and water, and deforests rainforests and destroys biodiversity. hey what up gucci?
anyway, i can't stand narcissistic web 2.0. 3.0 etc but that's why its time.
i used to schlumm with, who told me i was not superskinny enough to be attractive to him.
he got into the internet early.
i was trying to suck out the contents of his brain so i could get up on tech, norwegian, etc.
fashion is the least of my concerns.
i love the way miroslaw balka's sculpture is utterly austere amnd dry and sparse. he dresses the same way i like. all black like a portland anarchist.
watch him here.
tate unilever series miroslaw balka
he's a fashion icon.
i love his big box sculpture.
plus i'm really obsessed with veils, burka, hijab, niqab. thanks le monde.
plus i'm really obsessed with hasidic judaic dress, victoriana, and anything black and modest. i like mormons.
i love the hasidic look!
i love the black hats.
and pilgrim, scarlet letter look.
and the nineties, modern simplicity and monochromes.
even scientologists for their austerity.
i like uniform, and repetition, and flowing sculptural things.
i am experimenting with wearing veils at home. i love them. i am not islamic, but i think all the veil hate is stupid.
i like ghandi style too
maybe one day i'll switch to white.
its a little high maintenance and holy. i don't feel like i am pure enough for white.
not even being vegan and everything.
i'm a conceited leo dah!

veils are barriers, the enclose, and soothe, they are elegant.
i love death in bergman's the seventh seal.
i've spent years thinking about how to convey this persona.
i want that death from the seventh seal look.
part of the trick is to not smile, and to stand extremely straight.
i love theresa of avila.

i like cardinals.
francis bacon's cardinals.

i've been trying to dress like a modern day tough girl cardinal.
plus rei kawakubo, limi feu, yoji yamamoto and punk.
and viktor and rolf, sometimes, although i wish they'd use more black.
oh yes and i love gareth pugh
here is me:
and the seventh seal death-guy, my dream guy.
those of us who can barely leave the cave
what do we wear when we do and why do we wear it.
actually want to poke fun at the fashion cults.
my icon is this girl tania enriquez who runs media at space 15twenty for urban outfitters. she always looks cool as hell.
and i love the traschicist though she ought abandon fur and feathers and leather.
or lets say rather, she is so lucky it doesn't gross her out.
all that dead body leather fur stuff makes me sick.
plus the leather industry is totally antienvironmental, pours chemicals into the air and water, and deforests rainforests and destroys biodiversity. hey what up gucci?
anyway, i can't stand narcissistic web 2.0. 3.0 etc but that's why its time.
i used to schlumm with, who told me i was not superskinny enough to be attractive to him.
he got into the internet early.
i was trying to suck out the contents of his brain so i could get up on tech, norwegian, etc.
fashion is the least of my concerns.
i love the way miroslaw balka's sculpture is utterly austere amnd dry and sparse. he dresses the same way i like. all black like a portland anarchist.
watch him here.
tate unilever series miroslaw balka
he's a fashion icon.
i love his big box sculpture.
plus i'm really obsessed with veils, burka, hijab, niqab. thanks le monde.
plus i'm really obsessed with hasidic judaic dress, victoriana, and anything black and modest. i like mormons.
i love the hasidic look!
i love the black hats.
and pilgrim, scarlet letter look.
and the nineties, modern simplicity and monochromes.
even scientologists for their austerity.
i like uniform, and repetition, and flowing sculptural things.
i am experimenting with wearing veils at home. i love them. i am not islamic, but i think all the veil hate is stupid.
i like ghandi style too
maybe one day i'll switch to white.
its a little high maintenance and holy. i don't feel like i am pure enough for white.
not even being vegan and everything.
i'm a conceited leo dah!
veils are barriers, the enclose, and soothe, they are elegant.
i love death in bergman's the seventh seal.
i've spent years thinking about how to convey this persona.
i want that death from the seventh seal look.
part of the trick is to not smile, and to stand extremely straight.
i love theresa of avila.
i like cardinals.
francis bacon's cardinals.
i've been trying to dress like a modern day tough girl cardinal.
plus rei kawakubo, limi feu, yoji yamamoto and punk.
and viktor and rolf, sometimes, although i wish they'd use more black.
oh yes and i love gareth pugh
here is me:
and the seventh seal death-guy, my dream guy.
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