Thursday, 29 September 2011

defining hacker mugshot moment: the haircut

Joshua John Covelli of Fairborn, Ohio, indicted for allegedly causing Santa Cruz County's website to crash in December 2010 in a hacking attack.
submitted Joshua John Covelli of Fairborn, Ohio, indicted for allegedly causing Santa Cruz County's website to crash in December 2010 in a hacking attack. 

so the police hate the homeless and tried to make sleeping illegal for the homeless in santa cruz.  then people with cool haircuts defend the homeless  . . ..  and go to jail????

or defend wikileaks, the human rights defenders???? ahso.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

anonymous world loves animals

punk anon fashion in portland oregon

as viv westwood contributes paris fashion tickets for wikileaks

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

agoraphobia--stephen richard eng


No walls! Naked space 
And panic born of openness, 
Where we confront love’s dread expanse.
Beware! Terror-place 
Of freedom where our hearts undress, 
And too much candor kills Romance.
Retreat! Go—retrace 
Our trail and trek where fear is less, 
And sentiment (old-fashioned) has a chance. 

these words written by my father, stephen
i was raised to be this way . . .
bookish and shy and sensitive