Saturday, 26 March 2011

the darkness: aniv von borche for operation tomodachi

delight studios, stockholm 25 march 2011

i heart japan
aniv von borche
relevant political fashion

met the amazing crew from new york
and gorgeous models
matilda sundquist, fredrik berg

out of the ash
abu ghraib
free humanity
third eye stockholm
obey propaganda

humanitarian aid
for the continuation of the yamamoto kawakubo limi feu

Monday, 21 March 2011

aniv von borche stockholm delight studios 25 March

super excited to be working this by-initation-only event for tommy lagestam, PR for aniv von borche

aniv von borch resonates
gareth pugh
couture punk
glam rock
yamamoto rei kawakubo karasuzoku

in other news

third eye stockholm finds los angeles distributor and venture capital consultant for advertising, merchandising, and distribution
the glorious
hawkins golden, tech entrepreneur

hope to keep
free humanity
the essence 

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

smoking kate moss

stunning tommy and emma

stepped away from the feminist march to find these beauties at the health food store.  my first thought of emma, was how perfectly doll-like, incapable there would be a man lovely enough  . . . and then beautiful tommy appeared . . .
of course they are both fashion world.
tommy x writes for radarzine.
emma's knitted bloomers over white tights and her vintage blouse were stunningly chic, a celebration of her elegant, innocent beauty.  i hope someone does model scouting here.  stockholm.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

haute couture burka + cablegate revolutions ago

erotic tropism
the dubaification of the post wikileaks "middle east" soon to be the center of centers.
only eating persian dates and baba ganoush and shopping at arabisk markets to support the revolutions psychically.
the yamamoto inside this mag delights.  its a design mag, a punk fashion thing.
its ultra WTO anarchist too.
for my super mink farm hero fetish, i like men in ski masks saving animals.  the only way to make a super hot vegan anarchist boy even hotter is a full face cover, secret cameras, and a sense of compassion for animals.
but i like piles of ewaste too.
blood diamonds.
really connected to the fact that blood diamonds are really about the beauty of the african people, and a subverted repression of desire for  the other, noir de la noir.
and if as you contain yourself in your retro white world, women might cover themselves in furs and blood diamonds, and futuristic technologies, requiring foxcom suicide net infrastructures and cobalt cadmium mining destruction of people in the metals mines.  and somehow, this is code II, or alexandria 2.0 as some clever copyriot has it.
and so what is fashion, is perversion, or what was colonialism was desire, was communication, and so therein compassion, for animals, women, the other, africa, might fail here on the internet.
and so now, in Kenya:
the latest cables, cablegate, wikileaks:
leave it to the french to fail to catch the erotic significance of burka.
viva la mystere!
and kudos to the hijabi documentarians who recorded my apology to the iraqi people for amerkan crimes against humanity in iraq at the sergel's torg stockholm out of iraq demo last friday 25 februar.

anna von hausswolff in swedish mag 'bon'