Sunday, 26 September 2010

in police brutality land here in portland, oregon, no look is complete without a little black panther

as portland police have murdered several young black men this 2010, look good when they kill you with this nice logo!
sported by felix haynes
felix da boss

it's okay to be agorophobic when the marketplace is full of white racist murderers!
climate conference
free humanity

Saturday, 25 September 2010

venus serenades moods of norway's gorgeous stefan dahlqvist in his pink suit

this is about the flirty gorgeous boys of moods of norway and their gorgeous suits, manners, blogs, girlfriends . .  .
if you are addicted to their good vibes check out their amazing 
they are so funny and wonderful
and kudos to their amazing website.

wing-guys alert:  clean up your lads and put them in a moods look!!!!!  give them a cute accent!!!  make them ride a gold tractor!!!!!
adorable rocked out kawaii website too!!!!

marketing director once overheard my chatter, exclaiming brilliant!  i was in the girls room where lots of important conversations happen!!!!

sorting out my adornment made me late for the party . . . but so many sweet suits on the sunset were surely worth it . . .


for moods of norway 
and stefan dahlkvist and meaghan
-joni mitchell style with barry goldberg and nick maybury-

based on the joni and mclaughlin in vikki mordoch's car the night before
nicky spoke of mclauglin's lotus sutra solos
he would be the one to know. nicky that is.

c'est ne pas normal
this might be from a band called venus in nicky's planets---
the music is supposed to sound like strawberry ice cream and butterflies~~~~~
a said to him
you better figure it out
a man with a pink suit
moods of norway song
for stefan dahlkvist

leo in disguise
scorpio's got a moon in sag so he's got a certain kind of style
keep us from dying
aye aye

a certain pink suited man
ordered table service at the roxy (at the darlings show in april)
moods of norway suit
doing what he can 
for the price of oil in norway
meaghan is a natural
meaghan did(n't) understand
a poem about brocade (about josh nyback)

meaghan did(n't) understand
an unfortunate proposition

Saturday, 18 September 2010

audrey napoleon

get out of the house facebookers!

sam dewey, eli meschures from "stay skinny LA", tattered jackets, monarchy, varvatos swag, air conditioned smogosphere, theosophy!!!!

no more confetti to throw:
"now you've had your fun under an airconditioned sun
love is a poverty you couldn't sell!"
stay skinny LA is super sag eli's fashion company that made shirts for the coachella.  with a retro appreciation for tobacco the logo uses a cigarette in the LA logo. eli meschures shows off his tattoo/brand logo.  the shirts sold fast.  we talked about recession renegades and silk screen double C's and turkish pants.  his haircut would look good with some turkish pants.
i want sam dewey to catch my main mate gareth pugh, the coolest fashion designer this side of viktor and rolf, and then also my yamamoto/limi feu/rei kawakubo/issey miyaki harujuku inspirations . . .
trouble is the smog is so thick in LA i feel half sick if i'm not in an airconditioned tent

gorgeous sam dewey is going to the fashion school downtown

pretties at the roosavelt.  i loved the fellow's deep cut black tank.  fearless . . .
we were recovering from the thom yorke nirvana moments

getting ready for the darling stillettos at the viper sept 17 2010
 look at nick maybury in his new varvatos boots from the cbgbs party september 11th and his monarchy jacket from the perry farrell scene.  swag rules the lives of the artists.  notice the AIR poster in the background!!!!! bonus points for rock and roll dandies!!!! darkle, beck!  moods people!
donovan was at the NYC party!  i'm freaked  . . .

the theosophy lodge is on vista del mar and it was where jimi hendrix's dealer lived, not the actual jimi.  i spoke there with the lovely ladies and told them of this gorgeous sebastian basso and his planetary art.  here he is holding a piece i gave to terra pasternak:

krotona colony on 2130 vista del mar 

my friends used to live here.  it was their fault i turned into a compulsive blogger!!!! kisses sam, justice, janine!

i was talking to this cool boutique owner at 1616 cahuenga.  it was so rock and roll and the bulletproof radiohead was blasting.  and then starbucks was blasting radiohead too.  thursday night  i was trying to take a picture of this rad guy's stitched jacket.  when thom yorke walked into the frame at the roosavelt where he was djing.  i'm still not over it.  and the picture means the world to me, he walked into the frame like the song "you fell into my arms" except it was just a shot.  and he was getting paparazzied and i wanted to respect it and leave the camera off his beautiful aura! but damage is done. i love the pic and the interchange.  what a hero.

sam dewey shows off her tattoo, a smoke inhalation paradox, that reminds me of a snake eating its own tail. with the sublime victoria mordoch.

Friday, 17 September 2010

moods of norway

photo by alex kluft
stylist nick maybury
jacket moods of noway
pants h&m of sweden!
lesportsac-ed like a tourist

oh my gosh cool enough for my own fashion blog!!!!!

Monday, 6 September 2010

olivier zham of purple: of bloggers

at the chanel ice show, zham said there will be no change for the environment without a change in the economics.

so pundity he is!  and so good to grasp the postpurple worlds

karl lagerfield for chanel dreams eco-theatre

pardon the fur motif

i love the hair and the medievalisms

and karl looks so saintly.   i love the ties on the women.   they look like dandy karl.    i think he really cares.  it came to him in a dream.   the earth melting.  so sci-fi mod.  and the sinister expressions of all the models.  they look so death in the seventh seal.
music: simple minds: themes for great cities

of torture, or torturing women, there was this
viktor & rolf